
帕特里克 & 亨利社区学院


P&肝细胞癌的标志帕特里克 & 亨利社区学院(P&HCC是弗吉尼亚州23所社区学院之一. 除了高等教育,P&HCC provides dual enrollment and career/technical education for high school students throughout 帕特里克, 亨利, 和富兰克林县, 以及马丁斯维尔市. 数字教育中心排名P&HCC among the Top Ten Most Tech-Savvy Community Colleges in the country. 最重要的是, industry or relevant third-party certificates are embedded in the curriculum of all academic programs as a means to enhance career readiness of graduates.



  • 认证生产技术员计划 

This program aligns with the nationally-recognized certificate, 制造技能标准委员会(MSSC)标准, 提高生产工作的核心知识和技能, 从入门级到一线管理级别. Program covers 4 modules: Safety Awareness; Quality Practices and Measurement; Manufacturing Processes and Production; Maintenance Awareness focuses on preventive maintenance, 正确操作指示, 以及与电气相关的问题识别, 气动, 润滑, 自动化, 液压, 联轴器.

  • 通用工程技术

Students develop skills in the application of theories and hands-on experience in a variety of 工程 settings such as industrial, 制造业, 和商业. Graduates will be qualified for jobs such as engineer’s assistant, 主管培训, 制造专家, 质量保证审核员, CAD技术人员, 维修负责人, 团队领导, 以及计算机控制过程技术员.

  • 工业电子技术

This program provides highly skilled industrial technicians. 培训内容包括传感器和传感器, 自动控制, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) Motor Control Circuits, 交流/直流电机驱动, 气动, 微处理器和计算机程序设计, 计算机硬件和软件应用, 仪表, 电子数据通信, 系统故障排除和预防性维护.

  • 工业焊接证书

Students develop proficiency in skills with the use of current technological tools of the profession, 以美国焊接协会D1为例.1结构焊接规范认证测试.




The 弗吉尼亚赛马学院, 帕特里克寄宿学校 & 亨利社区学院, offers specialized training aligning with 纳斯卡 standards and other automobile-related 制造业 and repair occupations. 这个项目的名声吸引了全国的学生. Students earn credentials through college certificates for Motorsports Engines 技术, 赛车制造和设置技术, 及赛车运动管理. 除了机械加工,他们还学习基础知识, 焊接, 工程, and how to operate data acquisition system and software to design different parts critical to a race car. 事实上, 他们从零开始制造汽车, 应用先进的制造技术, 和他们的车一起参加爱国者车队的比赛, 有学生在维修站工作. 所有教师都有真实的赛车经验, spanning professional go-kart racing to the Sprint Cup Series. 纳斯卡, HT赛车, 阿灵顿制造, Roush赛车, 丰田, Harvick Racing and many other local companies and fabrication shops hire program graduates.

  • 赛车引擎技术

Advanced skills and knowledge in the production of high performance engines to meet workforce needs of race teams and engine manufacturers.

  • 赛车制造和设置技术

Fundamental skills for race car component installation and repair, 包括对结构校准的熟练程度, 车辆设置在规定的环境中, 以及对赛道条件的调整.

  • 赛车运动管理

Specialized skills related to the management of a motorsports-related business.


Relevant Career Certificates for Automotive Manufacturing Industries include:

  • 工业控制

Fundamental skills for installation and repair of electrical control systems, 包括熟练掌握电气规范, OSHA标准, 编程系统控制器, 以及系统故障排除.

  • 工业维护电子 

Skills and knowledge needed for maintenance and repair of modern production 设备. Graduates earn proficiency in electrical codes, OSHA标准, 以及系统故障排除.

  • 焊接 

金属行业的基本技能和知识. Graduates demonstrate proficiency in oxyacetylene processes, arc and MIG 焊接 procedures.





NCI的标志新书院 (NCI) is a beacon for automotive parts suppliers because of the relevant programs offered. 直到马丁斯维尔新学院成立, 四年制大学位于两小时车程的地方. Community leaders envisioned a locally-driven program drawing on the best of the greater regional post-secondary education resources throughout the state. This visionary approach enables the community to drive curriculum to address needs for local business growth, including development of in-demand skills for specialized 制造业. 耗资1500万美元,占地5.2万平方英尺. ft. building was constructed in the heart of Martinsville’s Uptown district as the first new building on the NCI campus, housing cutting-edge 设备 and providing an important example of the quality and nature of skill development occurring at NCI.



  • 工程技术研究院 

让标志与弗吉尼亚州立大学合作开发, NCI offers high school juniors and seniors dual enrollment with university credits, 一切都是免费的. 提供带薪实习,以加强实践学习, 同时进行行业参观等行业参与. 该学院包括两个学习方向:

工程 – curriculum address 工程 design, construction and project management.

技术 – curriculum focuses on applied 工程 and involves industry-current software, 设备, 工具和技术.

该项目将发展成为一个4年的学位项目, 最终获得博士学位, 2015年授予首批学士学位.


  • 技术中的体验式学习 & 工程 


新书院基金资助, 丰收基金会, and local employers enables employers to “test drive” creative and hardworking students while providing students an opportunity to experience what they are studying in real-world situations. Students at college and high school levels are eager to participate in internships. ELITE’s purpose is to help students interested in 工程 and technology careers learn skills they need for modern jobs, 比如团队合作能力和良好的沟通能力, while helping them make connections with an advanced 制造业 industry for potential long-term jobs, 根据NCI.